15 apr. 2010

Report from a Crematorium

About a thousand people leave their last trace of embodiment here each year. It's high tech and the dead are treated with a big amount of respect as are their relatives who mourns in one of the 3 chapels above the crematorium. Me and 3 friends where invited to interview and photograph most things that is going on in a crematorium in todays Sweden. And for that we are grateful to the staff, and with a great deal of respect I won't show more detailed photos of people working there or closeups that could set the deceased personal identity in jeopardy.

The last pieces of a body are soon only bones and ashes, it's later are grinded to powder ash before inserted to a funeral urn.
The coffin are inserted, it's all automatic these days.
Joints and other body parts of titanium that won't burn, these are by Swedish law put somewhere in the grounds of the nearby cemetery.
A small farewell chapel for relatives above the cellar crematorium
Where the dead rest in peace before cremation, it's about 5 degrees Celsius in this room. A deceased can at max spend up to 2 month in this room before a cremation procedure.
A peaceful and structural quietness rests outside the crematorium

All Photos on this blog, copyright Dj-ingen photography 2009. Click on photo to enlarge!

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